Berikut kami lampirkan Pengumuman terkait Seleksi Beasiswa Cendekia Baznas RI UIN Antasari 2024
Terkait hal ini, Humas mewawancarai Wakil Rektor di ruang kerjanya, Kamis (18/7/24). Dr. H. Akhmad Sagir, M.Ag. mengatakan, keputusan pembongkaran dan pemindahan tersebut, diserahkan sepenuhnya mengikuti prosedur dari Pemkot Banjarbaru.
Jarum jam di dinding baru saja beranjak dari pukul 13.00 wita. Cuaca di luar yang terasa panas kontras dengan suasana di Aula Zafry Zamzam yang …
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) UIN Antasari melaksanakan Pelepasan dan Pembekalan KKN Moderasi Beragama dan KKN Internasional, Rabu (3/7/2024) di Aula Zafri Zamzam, …
BANJARMASIN – Sabtu (29/06/2024) digelar acara orientasi akademik dan LMS Pendalaman Materi bagi mahasiswa PPG Daljab Batch 1 tahun 2024 LPTK UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. Acara …
HULU SUNGAI TENGAH – Masih dalam rangka Pesantren Ramadan yang menjadi program mahasiswa kuliah kerja nyata Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin, di Aula Serbaguna Rutan Kelas II B Barabai, kegiatan kembali berlanjut di pekan ke-2 dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab lanjutan kepada warga binaan pemasyarakatan (WBP), Selasa (26/03/2024).
The participants come from various parts of Indonesia, from Sumatra to Sulawesi. All the participants were graduates of state Islamic higher education institutions (PTKIN). They are participating for three months in the Preparatory Program for Advanced Studies (PPSL) to further Master and Doctoral studies overseas. A total of 155 sessions have been prepared by the organizing higher education institutions (PTP), led by the Language Development Unit at UIN Antasari under the guidance of Dr Fatwiah Noor, Lc., M.Pd.
In the 78th Bachelor’s and 48th Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin, held on November 25, 2023, at the Multipurpose Hall of Campus 2 in Banjarbaru, Dr. Hj. Nida Mufidah, M.Pd., the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Institutional Development delivered in her report that UIN Antasari has produced a total of 30,858 graduates since its establishment in 1964.
In the 78th Bachelor’s and 48th Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony, a Malaysian graduate had the opportunity to deliver his speech. He is Mohd Quizier Bin Ahmad, a graduate of the Quran and Tafsir Studies Program and the Chairman of the National Association of Malaysian-Indonesian Students.
29 foreign students participated in the 2023 Academic and Student Culture Introduction Program (PBAK). Despite coming from abroad, they apparently bear a resemblance to Indonesians, as they belong to the broader Malay community, originate from Malaysia and Southern Thailand.