PEMBAKULAN – Selasa (24/9/2024), mahasiswa KKN UIN Antasari bersama Kodim 1002/HST menggelar kegiatan bakti sosial di Desa Pembakulan. Maklum adanya, desa ini termasuk sebagai wilayah …
Banjarmasin. Just a week after the Rector of Antasari State Islamic University of Banjarmasin signed the MOU with the Director of the Istanbul Foundation for …
BANJARMASIN – The follow up to the visit of Rector Prof. Dr. H. Mujiburrahman, M.A. who had been to Turkey, an International Guest Lecture was held, which was presented by representatives of the Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture (IFSC) Hasby Sen, M.Hum. and Prof. Ismail Latif Hacinebioglu from Istanbul University.
SAMARINDA – Selasa pagi (17/9/2024), Kontingen UIN Antasari Banjarmasin serempak hadiri pembukaan (Opening Ceremony) BUAF ke-8 di Auditorium 22 Dzulhijjah UINSI Samarinda. Acara tersebut semarak …
BANJARMASIN – Menjelang diselenggarakannya ajang bergengsi Borneo Undergraduate Academic Forum (BUAF) ke-8 tahun 2024, peserta dari UIN Antasari giat mempersiapkan diri untuk laga tersebut. Sebagaimana …
ISTANBUL – Friday (13/9/2024), on the last day of his stay in Turkey, the Rector of Antasari State Islamic University, Prof. Dr. H. Mujiburrahman, M.A. visited Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University. Welcoming him was Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Zekeriya Kurşun, accompanied by an administrative official of the university. The meeting was intimate and friendly, but still serious.
ISTANBUL – Thursday (12/9/2024), Rector of Antasari State Islamic University Prof. Dr. H. Mujiburrahman, M.A. visited Marmara Üniversitesi, in order to pave the way for collaboration. At 10 a.m. local time, the Rector was welcomed by Marmara Üniversitesi Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Korkut and his staff, such as Prof. Dr. Saim Kayadibi from the Institute of Islamic Economics and Finance, and Prof. Dr. Nuri Tinaz Hoca (Director of International Affairs).
ISTANBUL – Wednesday (11/9/2024), The Rector of Antasari State Islamic University, Prof. Dr. H. Mujiburrahman, M.A. visited the Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture (IFSC). The arrival of the Rector was warmly welcomed by IFSC Director Dr. Said Yüce, M.A. and his staff, at 11 a.m. local time.
Tak ada yang abadi, semua akan selalu silih berganti. Ada yang datang dan ada yang pergi, seperti bergantinya malam menjadi pagi. Hal itu juga berlaku …
BANJARBARU – Tertatih duduk di kursi roda tidak membuat Siti Azizah Puteri, S.Pd., enggan menghadiri proses Wisuda Sarjana Ke-50 UIN Antasari di Gedung Serbaguna Kampus …